
Just Worship

Worshipping God By Living Just Lives

Stef Benstead

978 1 915412 71 3
Paperback |320 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £14.99

978 1 915412 72 0
eBook |320 pp

** Essential reading for Christians in view of the July 4th General Election **

An engaging, practical, and inspirational introduction to what the Bible has to say about poverty.

* In a world of severe inequality, injustice and need, this call is as important for us as Christians as it has ever been

* Will inspire readers biblically to serve God, to live justly and do justice in every part of their lives

Do you feel an emotional call to issues of poverty and justice but don’t know how to act? Or are you already acting, but you’re thirsty for a better understanding of what the Bible has to say on what you instinctively feel?

Just Worship presents an engaging and practical introduction to what the Bible has to say about this important subject. In a world of severe inequality, injustice and need, this call is as important for us as Christians as it has ever been.

This book will inspire you biblically to serve God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength; to live justly and do justice in every part of your life.

Stef Benstead is a researcher in disability and social policy, with an interest in wider considerations of welfare and the government’s role in the common good. She entered this line of work after becoming ill in 2011 with what was later diagnosed as hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that causes fatigue and widespread pain amongst other problems.
ISBNs: 9781915412713 978-1-915412-71-3 Title: just worship ISBNs: 9781915412720 978-1-915412-72-0 Title: just worship