
Better Together

Christian partnership in a hurt city

David Sheppard and Derek Worlock

978 0 232 53054 4
eBook |256 pp

In the late 1980s, David Sheppard and Derek Worlock formed an alliance of genuine Christian unity in Liverpool, then a city of strong sectarian loyalties and bitter deprivation. Their partnership was tried and tested in the furnace of an inner city close to bankruptcy. Working together as Anglican and Roman Catholic, the two bishops found a void at the heart of the city in crisis, a gap that had to be bridged by hands reaching not only across the torn community but also upwards to God. The story of the bishops' fight for their city is uplifting and heartening, and remains a courageous and inspiring plea for Christian unity and practical action within one nation.

David Sheppard was Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, and chaired the Church of England Board for Social Responsibility. He was published several times, including his recently reissued autobiography Steps Along Hope Street (DLT: 2013). He died in 2005.
Derek Worlock was Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool and Vice President of the Roman Catholic Bishops' Conference. He wrote several books including Give Me Your Hand and Bread Upon Waters.
ISBNs: 9780232530544 978-0-232-53054-4 Title: better together