
Light Breaks Forth

The CAFOD Lent Book

Peter Edmonds, David Foster, Linda Jones, Karen Kilby, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator and Benignus O'Rourke

978 0 232 52868 8
Paperback |112 pp |178 x 110 mm
Price: £5.99

‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with one mosquito.’ So goes the African proverb quoted by one of the contributors to these reflections on the daily readings for Lent.

One small mosquito can turn a peaceful night’s sleep into a waking nightmare. And each one of us has our own small but vital part to play in the great drama of Lent and Easter.

In these forty days, shadowing the wilderness experience of Jesus, our lives, like his, are at a turning point. Do we choose the way of hope, love and justice, or the way of possessions, competitiveness and power? In these reflections on the common lectionary readings for each day of Lent, some of our finest spiritual writers reveal for us the transfiguring power of the scriptures.

ISBNs: 9780232528688 978-0-232-52868-8 Title: light breaks forth