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From Now On: Children’s Edition

A Bible course for youth, church, school and holiday groups based on The Greatest Showman

Lindsay Taylor and Rebecca Castle

978 0 232 53450 4
Paperback |48 pp |297 x 210 mm
Price: £7.99

This Bible course, based on Rachel Mann's bestselling book of the same name for adults, is for groups of children (aged 8-11) and uses the phenomenally popular movie The Greatest Showman to help young people think about life and faith in a new way.

It follows a five-session format, with suggested clips from the film, Bible passages, discussion starters, questions, craft ideas and prayers, and is suitable for use at any time of year – including during Lent and at holiday clubs, in church or after school. The book also contains photocopiable activity sheets for each session.

Through engagement with some of the key characters from the film, and thinking about memorable lines from the script and the songs, From Now On will prompt reflection on what the Bible has to say about themes such as feeling alone or isolated, hope through faith, love and redemption, forgiveness and acceptance.

Lindsay Taylor is an author of children’s books with Puffin Books (Hattie B Magical Vet) and Simon and Schuster (Doodle Girl), and managing director of Mums Creative Content Ltd.
Rebecca Castle is a primary school volunteer, full-time mum, and wife of a vicar.
ISBNs: 9780232534504 978-0-232-53450-4 Title: from now on childrens edition